Convince like a Charm
Published: January 1, 2016
Antano Solar John is the creator and developer of the most advanced technologies to design and fast-track personal evolution and an investor in startups that have access to cutting-edge solutions for personal excellence.

Episode 20: Convince like a Charm. Closing is not only for the sales people but for everyone. Every parent, every child, every life partner, every business person. And in this episode of Solar Voice, I share with you, three ideas that may change the way you influence, forever!
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Episode 30: Timeless Passions & Everlasting Pursuits
Episode 27: Perfect Match
The Antano Solar Voice is one of the most cutting-edge blog and podcast in the world with fresh insights from validated life experience. The Solar Voice season 1 podcast has been ranked #3 in Apple iTunes News & Noteworthy. And the posts have been published in over a dozen publications including Business World, YourStory, Hindu Business Line, Economic Times and many more. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page. And to read the past article, check out the blog page.