Fishers of Men

Published: August 24, 2009

Antano Solar John is the creator and developer of the most advanced technologies to design and fast-track personal evolution and an investor in startups that have access to cutting-edge solutions for personal excellence.

Edits since March 30th 2020 are in this color.

I accidentally came across the Bible edition with Maxwell’s Leadership Annotations.

I quickly thoughts of the things that I have naturally been doing and have been accredited as qualities of a leader in leadership courses, books and public seminars!

Just looking at the cover, and noticing that someone had actually considered using the narratives in the Bible to point out leadership lessons, brought a certain sense of revelation.

Most of what you find in effective corporate leadership seminars have already been demonstrated in the Word of God. Maybe that is why I have felt so natural about every leadership seminar I have ever attended.

The words of Peter still ring in my ears when I think about how profound and real the learning’s  from the scripture are , “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of Eternal life“.

The life of David is one of my favorite, how as an outcast he learns to survive! Its phenomenal if you pay attention to the details. The dynamics of rapport building, motivation, loyalty that are so subtly explained are just fantastic.

Indeed, Jesus really did mean what he said, “Follow me and I will make you Fishers of Men“.

I present a challenge to anyone reading this! Present a leadership topic to me that you think has not been addressed in the Word of God and I will come back to you with an answer :)

As of this bible that I recently picked up with Maxwell’s annotations, I am not sure yet how good the annotations are going to be, but I liked the idea that someone actually has thought of the Bible as the bible of leadership.

And I conclude saying a big Amen to that idea!

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The Antano Solar Voice  is one of the most cutting-edge blog and podcast in the world with fresh insights from validated life experience. The Solar Voice season 1 podcast has been ranked #3 in Apple iTunes News & Noteworthy. And the posts have been published in over a dozen publications including Business World, YourStory, Hindu Business Line, Economic Times and  many more. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page. And to read the past article, check out the blog page.

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