Kite in my House

Published: September 20, 2010

Antano Solar John is the creator and developer of the most advanced technologies to design and fast-track personal evolution and an investor in startups that have access to cutting-edge solutions for personal excellence.

Today I had the extra ordinary privilege of seeing the first flight of a baby kite. As it jumped from solid ground about my shoulder’s height and navigated its way through the trees. It is most remarkable almost as much as you see a baby learn to walk! Only this time the Kite had to soar higher on survival instincts when a crow started chasing it! I may never see Keetu again and even if I do, I can’t be sure if it is the same Kite. But am sure she is around in the sky watching!

It all started two days ago when I found Keetu unable to fly surrounded by crows that were preying on it. I scared the crows away. But I wasn’t sure how to help. And following a facebook post, a singer friend Megha referred another singer Neena who has experience with wild life. Neena came home to help the kite. She fed it and secured it a cage which was being used for storing coconuts. Two days later, we fed it again  and this time something about its muscle told me that it was going to fly. It was a baby and didn’t even know how to eat, forget flying. Neena confirmed its going to take 2 weeks! We set it on top of the cage and fed it again and as it was standing, it looked like it wanted to jump but was scared, and Neena and I exclaimed –  Its going to Fly! We thought it may just fly little and fall down or come back! But as soon as it took flight a crow started chasing it and before we knew the Kite was in the sky like it is supposed to be.

I was most happy for the Kite. I do miss it! But am sure it is happy wherever it is :)

Megha insisted that I write about this experience being a unique one, just like she insisted it be called Keetu!

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